Tony Hall
Well known as one of the UK’s leading big ware throwers Tony Hall's true love is Ash glazed stoneware. "I make my own Ash glazes from our hedgerows. The glimmery black glaze is an ash glaze on a body not a black slip."
His austere decoration, indentation of clay maybe reminiscent of cuneiform all working towards an elemental archetypal. His forms reference historic archetypes, past ideals worth revisiting in a reductive process.
Trained at the pottery village of La Borne France in the 1970's, Tony developed his career at Whichford Pottery in Warwickshire where he was chief thrower before establishing The Pottery at Castle Hill Farm.
While maintaining ceramics as his core interest, Tony has branched into innovative complementary areas of work including portrait sculpture and in 2014 won the Portrait Sculptors Society prize at the Sladmore Gallery.
Castle Hill Farm, Knucklas, Nr Knighton, Powys, Wales LD7 1PS
01547 529670
His austere decoration, indentation of clay maybe reminiscent of cuneiform all working towards an elemental archetypal. His forms reference historic archetypes, past ideals worth revisiting in a reductive process.
Trained at the pottery village of La Borne France in the 1970's, Tony developed his career at Whichford Pottery in Warwickshire where he was chief thrower before establishing The Pottery at Castle Hill Farm.
While maintaining ceramics as his core interest, Tony has branched into innovative complementary areas of work including portrait sculpture and in 2014 won the Portrait Sculptors Society prize at the Sladmore Gallery.
Castle Hill Farm, Knucklas, Nr Knighton, Powys, Wales LD7 1PS
01547 529670