... in homage to the famous Eight Peaks Challenge
held by Kington Walks each year..!
Combining art and a good walk, you are invited to download eight thumbnail pictures of artist Kathryn Moore’s beautiful paintings of local views onto your phone and then see if you can find out where they are.
The route circles around Hergest Ridge and each view is either on the Ridge or looking out from a point on it. All you have to do is identify the view in each picture and take a photo of it that matches the painting as closely as possible. Then record the grid reference (see below). The thumbnails and the route map can be downloaded from here from 6pm Friday 29th April to give you a chance to save and/or print them out before the Festival begins and paper maps will also be available from the Festival Hub in the Market Hall.
There is a prize of £50 for the person who manages to get as close as possible to the original views as depicted in the paintings, kindly sponsored by local news magazine MidBorder News.
You will have two weeks to complete the challenge: photos must be submitted to [email protected] by Saturday 14 May and the entries will be judged by Annie Vickerstaff, the MidBorder News editor.
Send us: your eight photos of the views, grid reference if possible, name and contact details.
Bear in mind that the paintings were done over the course of a year and thus will show the views in different seasons and at different times of day. Kathryn documents the landscape in her sketches and written observations and says, "There is an overpowering sense of wellbeing and awe being immersed in this landscape - surrounded in atmosphere - of weather and light". She invites you to follow in her footsteps and immerse yourself in the ever-changing beauty of this magical border world. All the original paintings (and many others) are available to buy from Kathryn’s studio, Kat & Fiddle in Church Street, Kington (number 10 on the festival street map below) and there are packs of postcards of the eight images too.
How to Get Your Grid Reference
iPhone: open the default Maps application on the iPhone (which comes with the phone). There is blue dot in the middle of the screen where you are. You just tap on the pointer in the top right corner of the screen, then tap the blue dot and then swipe the screen from the bottom which gives you your location coordinates.
Android: open Google Maps app and when the findspot appears, press and hold it. This will display your coordinates at the top of the screen (if you can’t see the whole reference number hold your phone in landscape mode).
Note: for the non-technologically minded, you could buy a pack of the postcards and get a paper map to do the challenge the old-fashioned way, but you will still need to take a photo of each of the views and submit them by email.